Dr. Jasser Auda

Category: Cape town

Maqasid with Dr. Jasser Auda on Deen TV Episode 4

Rashaad Amra is an economist who works for the government of South Africa and one of my “A” students of Maqasid al-Shariah in South Africa’s International Peace College South Africa – IPSA Graduate Program. I ask him here on Deen TV some tough questions: What is it exactly we mean when we say “Islamic” banks? And why is the Islamic approach focusing on the micro and not the macro of economics? How come the current “Islamic” policies on economic issues are largely capitalist and often times neoconservative? Can a “bank” be an “Islamic” institution by definition? And the relationship...

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Maqasid with Dr. Jasser Auda on Deen TV Episode 5

Yusuf Patel is a medical doctor and one of my “A” students of Maqasid al-Shariah in South Africa’s International Peace College South Africa – IPSA Graduate Program. I interview him here for the MAQASID program on Deen TV, and I asked him: What is “Islamic medicine”? What is Islamic bioethics? And how can medicine move from being a “business” into being an “ethical duty”? How do we define a “human” for medical purposes? What is the difference between a faithful physician and a non-faithful physician? And his views on organ...

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Trained Ulama, Muftis and Imams

One of the major needs for Muslim communities everywhere is trained Ulama, Muftis and Imams. Without proper training and especially versing them in Maqasid Al-Shariah, Imams and Muftis become victims of corrupt ideologies that claim falsely to be Islamic while they are the furthest from the principles of Islam, and the outcome is mischief in the mosques instead of good, complicating people’s problems instead of resolving them, and community destruction instead of community building. Honored to offer this training with Prof. Khalid Masud, a prominent scholar and judge from Pakistan, and our practical focus will be on Muslim family...

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Meeting with a group of Muslim students from different South African universities

I met this morning with a brilliant group of Muslim students from different South African universities. I learnt from them about the aims and nuances of the student movement that is taking place these days in South Africa. I gave them my opinion: 1. Muslim students have to participate in the South African and global student movements that are calling for justice and equity. 2. Muslim students have to give an example of balance; they are part of the justice movement but they also do not condone injustices and aggression against innocent people. 3. Muslim students should not expect...

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